Voice of the Lake: Advocating for Cobbossee
CLA, through its Voice of the Lake Task Force, is collaborating and advocating for lake-friendly policies by actively engaging businesses, state agencies, local municipalities, State legislators, and other entities to support legislation that increase protection, funding, and access to Maine lakes, including our beloved Cobbosseecontee.
Make your voice heard, and make a difference.
CLA relies on grassroots efforts to ensure lawmakers hear our concerns. Writing or calling local officials and decision-makers are key to getting lake-friendly policies passed and implemented. Most of these bills are still in Committee review so voicing your support for these bills now is critical.
View the environmental bills (listed below) currently under consideration by the Maine legislature.
We will provide updates on the status of these bills as they come out of Committee over the next few months.
Questions? Contact Peter Meulendyk, Voice of the Lake Chair
Environmental Bills, as of April 2024:
State Legislative Update Thank you to everyone who wrote to our state legislators urging them to vote in support of LD 2141, a bill that will appropriate $2,000,000 to the Invasive Aquatic Plant and Nuisance Species Fund to address the most serious invasive aquatic plant infestations across the state.
LD 2141 and LD 1342 (which would also increase State funding to aid in protecting and reducing the spread of invasive aquatic plants), have received strong bipartisan support. You can follow the status of these bills at https://legislature.maine.gov/
LD 2101, an act to strengthen Shoreland Zoning Enforcement, has passed in the House and the Senate and awaits the Governor's signature. This bill sends a message that the towns and State are serious about protecting our lakes, rivers, and streams. Zoning laws often fall on the towns to enforce, which often takes the form of a fine. When residents appeal fines, legal fees can add up and strain already tight town budgets. The bill authorizes, but does not require, the Maine Land Use Planning Commission and municipalities to take certain actions related to permits and fines when a violation occurs on land in a shoreland zone within the jurisdiction of the commission or the municipality.
LD 2284, an act to implement the recommendations of the IF&W's report on Wake Boats. This LD was enacted by both the House and the Senate. The bill contains several recommendations, including a person may not operate a motorboat engaged in a wake surfing activity in less than 15 feet of water or within 300 feet of shoreline.
Town Funding Requests
CLA Board and Leadership Team members, along with Friends of Cobbossee Watershed staff, have been meeting with municipal leaders from the 5 towns bordering Lake Cobbossee. Our goal is to gain support for each of our requests for 2024 funding before the annual Town Meetings.
The towns are important partners in our work to protect and preserve the lake. The funds they provide currently go directly to assist in paying for courtesy boat inspections (CBIs). This allows for additional CLA financial resources to be dedicated to expanded surveying, diving, removal, and treatment of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM). CLA’s goal is to contain EWM at a level that preserves Cobbossee Lake’s health and character.
We urge you, along with your friends and neighbors, to support the CLA funding request when it comes time to vote on the warrant article at your town meeting.